C.a.R. > Documentation > Assignments


Assignments display the basic objects for any construction and one or more targets in thinner color. The user is asked to construct the target, or the targets. When the user has completed the task, he gets a positive feedback. The program checks for the target objects themselves but not for the construction method. This works in all reasonable well designed assignments.

To create an assignment, the last object of the basic objects has to be determined, and the target objects. Holding down the shift key creates hint objects that are not checked, but displayed like targets. If a target object is hidden, it will not display in the assignment. The designer can test the assignment in the C.a.R. application. The assignment is then saved with a job-extension. Otherwise, it is a normal C.a.R. construction. There is a special load command for assignments.

Special care is necessary for polygon objects as targets. Define those objects with the minimal set of corners. If the user creates additional corners, those corners will be ignored.

C.a.R. > Documentation > Assignments